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Bayside School Services
NC Testing Requirements
CTBS TerraNova & TCS
Books & Accessories
Ordering Information
Frequently Asked Questions


After 34 years of providing the best in testing for our homeschooling families and friends, it seems to be time for us to spend more time with the children and grands. Please know we appreciate all of you and what you've allowed us to do -- help with the best tests and reports we could produce.

We plan to keep this website for a while in case the benefits we paid for over our lifetimes disappear.\\


Here we resume our usual scheduled program......which, as noted, is not currently active.

offers you the very best do-it-yourself standardized achievement test experience available all year long.

As graduated homeschooling parents and test providers for 34 years, we know the importance of fair prices, easy ordering, accurate order processing and detailed reporting.

In addition to our low prices and great service, we have much helpful information about homeschooling and testing. Follow the links at the left.

If you're ready to order, go to our easy-to-use, mobile and tablet friendly site. Click on the link below or type into your browser address bar:

Bayside's Shopping Cart Website

Everyday Low Prices

$79-$54 per CAT6 TerraNova2 CB+ Grades K-12

$68-$48 per CAT6 TerraNova2 SV+ Grades 2-4, 6-12

$74-$49 per CTBS TerraNova1 CB+ Grades 4-12

per CTBS TerraNova1 SV+ Grades 4-12

While separate Answer Sheets are used for ALL Grades, your student in Grades K-3 can bubble the Student Book for an additional $15. You must transfer the student responses to the separate Answer Sheet.

USPS domestic postage to you costs $10 per order (not per test). If you are in NC or VA,  postage to you  is FREE!

In all cases you are responsible for the required Priority Mail postage for test returns.

Complete Battery Plus or Survey Plus?

One of the most frequent questions we're asked is "What is the difference in the test forms?"

The Complete Battery Plus is the more comprehensive test. The Survey Plus is shorter, not easier. The Survey has fewer questions in the tests of Reading, Language, Math, Science and Social Studies. The other tests (Reading Vocabulary, Language Mechanics, Math Computation and Spelling) are the same in both test forms.

Which test to choose? Either will satisfy your state requirement. While many homeschools use the Complete Battery, the Survey is often a wiser choice. It is especially appropriate for students with attention issues, and for teachers who want to spend the least amount of time possible on testing.

Ready to order? Click Ordering Information.

The nationally standardized achievement test series we offer is the DRC CTB TerraNova. The newer CAT/6 TerraNova 2nd Edition, published in 2000, with updated 2005 norms, is the test of choice for the DIY homeschool.

We also offer the original 1996 CTBS TerraNova 1st Edition, for economy or repeat testing situations.

Bayside accurately scores all of these tests, providing you with comprehensive scoring reports that include national percentiles, national stanines and grade equivalents. Our new Scoring Report default is an emailed PDF, but you can choose the printed copy via standard mail instead of the PDF for $8 additional. Note that NC DNPE now accepts electronic reports for  "reporting by mail" homeschools so printed reports are no longer needed.

Order from Bayside and get these benefits!

Do-It-Yourself convenience
Easy ordering, available all year
Clear instructions make testing simple
Military, Missionary & Expat families count on our
33 years of experience supplying tests worldwide
Domestic postage only $10, FREE to NC and VA
Fair prices and accurate order processing

Timely Authorized Scoring Reports

Questions or problems with ordering or testing?
Please note that email is more than
twice as efficient as voicemail!


137 Clipper Ct / PO Box 250
Kill Devil Hills NC 27948
  voice messaging not enabled